Thursday, January 24, 2013

2011: Midnight in Paris

I find it an interesting decision to not provide subtitles when french was spoken (at least I don't remember them if they were there, forgive me if I am wrong); it places us in the same pot as the protagonist (assuming we don't speak French).

Sex and time travel. I have to question the mechanic for time travel, it left a few holes that I think should be addressed.
Facts proposed:
1. Vehicles required for backwards time travel (with the possible exception of the spy), this limits time travel to periods that have such technology. You can't go back before the wheel.
2. Time moves at a one to one pace; meaning that by 2020 you could only go to 1930 because the gap is fixed, unless it's instead determined by the wishes of the traveler.

The return mechanic is the biggest hole in this entire scenario. Initially it would seem to force the return at a particular time or at the end of social engagement. This would mean it would be impossible to stay in the past. Yet we know can't be the case because the spy did not return.

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