Monday, February 25, 2013

Medium is the Massage

Initially I listened to the record mp3 of Medium is the Massage. This turned out to be just short of sensory overload, but that could be from my insistance on multi-tasking. I then read The Medium is the Massage an Inventory of Effects and skimmed over a few of the other provided texts.

To extend McLuhan pushes us is an obvious direction, towards the internet. A significant extension of self that didn't existis as we know it during his time. However, I know I'm not the only person who will come to this conclusion (also consider I've looked ahead to those who have posted before me). That being the case, I'd like to speak of the most infamous of imageboards -- 4chan.

The beauty of 4chan as a medium compared to other social networks, posts, threads, boards, and such is its levels of anonymity. Compared to sites like tumblr or reddit where you go by an alias, on 4chan you're only a number. The site is most know for the random board /b/. This is the (self-proclaimed) heart and soul of the internet, it might as well be considered a basement full of fat neck-bearded misogynistic homophobic racist white males with content that follows in suit. HOWEVER, the massage is determined by the medium and not the content. Since it's not about content I'm free to return to the topic of anonymity: because of the anonymous nature of the site, it is the most perfect extension of the human psyche.

Here is something I wasted to much time on that doesn't help illustrate my point. Behold:

A shot in the dark perhaps?

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